Convert ordinary documents to smart or digital forms and make business processes automated to optimize the decision-making process of companies.
Combination of Smart Forms (Smart Forms) + eKYC + BPM – Business Process Management + Digital Signature


Run on multiple platforms and devices
Paperless system runs on a variety of different platforms and browsers

Simple form with intuitive interface
Electronic forms are designed in a vivid and colorful manner, and allow users to process in the same manner as paper forms

This system can identify customers through eKYC process, strengthening security and authentication with high accuracy and speed.

BPM integration
Business processes are intuitively digitalized, helping companies control their processes transparently and clearly, with the feature of automatic and intelligent flow transition. Apart from the advantages such as reminder, processing time management of each transaction as required in SLA, obvious operation history, and simple and easy-to-use interface, which helps users manage their work efficiently, transparently and quickly.

Digital and electronic signatures
Support to affix digital or electronic signatures directly in the forms through mobile or specialized signing devices with the intention of counterfeiting prevention and satisfaction of legal requirements when circulated.

Documents are digitized.
Information is quickly collected in many ways and from many different sources such as voice, images or existing systems.
Processing, working and managing with forms becomes easy and fast with high efficiency.
The advantages on electronic forms such as highlights, notes, drawings, etc. help users quickly identify positions to be corrected.
Business processes are intuitively digitized, helping businesses to control processes transparently and clearly.
The integration of digital signatures and online signing of documents simplifies the submission for signing.
Key features
Design and manage forms intuitively
Design and deploy business processes easily as per BPMN 2.0 standard
Integrated with BPM systems of: Red Hat PAM, IBM BAW, Camunda BPM, Activiti
Manage SLAs following every business process
Integrated with ECMs: Alfresco, IBM Filenet
Support tree diagrams of corporate structure based on branch model or corporation model

Environment and technology

Sao Khue 2021

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