Paperless solution is designed with a combination of OZ eForm system from FORCS and Paperless platform developed by UNIT Technology Corporation. This system helps customers create digital forms and electronically sign them easily. The solution has a wide range of outstanding features such as camera, voice recording, barcode recognition, eKYC integration, BPM business processes and other available features that are satisfactory with business requirements.
Paperless helps enterprises to:
- Change the documents from paper form into smart form
- Automate the business process
- Speed up transactions
- Enhance enterprises’ professionalism
- Enhance customers’ experiences
- Strengthen working performance
- Reduce printing and filing costs.
This system is to facilitate customers in terms of digital transformation and automation in business quickly and efficiently.
So far, Paperless system has been successfully implemented for several customers in various sectors both internally and externally: Banking Finance, Insurance, Business. Thanks to such outstanding and preeminent features, Paperless – Paperless office system developed by UNIT was voted as an excellent product of Vietnam’s software and IT industry in the group of Digital Transformation Platforms and won Sao Khue Award 2021. At the same time, Paperless also achieved the title of “Typical Product of Ho Chi Minh City 2021”