
CMS (Construction Equipment Management System) – an effective tool assisting construction companies in managing all equipment and operating equipment rental costs at construction sites.



Convenience in device management and monitoring

Equipment is managed and monitored among construction sites

Rotated monitoring, cross-checking

Equipment is monitored and reconciled between the parties when transfere among construction sites

Convenient payment

Equipment operating costs are flexibly configured for each construction work

Automatic payment

Equipment operating costs are automatically calculated and submitted for approval on a monthly basis

Unlimited service packages

Number of warehouses and construction works are unlimited

Dynamic configuration

Control and approval processes are dynamically configured


Digitize the entire equipment management lifecycle including import, use, transfer among construction sites and liquidation.

Provide managers with the value and quantity of equipment in the entire warehouse and construction site system.

Help grasp the project schedule and equipment required at each time.

Optimize use efficiency at construction sites based on equipment using plans, specifically taking advantage of available and idle equipment resources at construction sites.

Promptly check supplies and equipment when transferring among such sites.

Manage the equipment using cost of all construction sites from the construction commencement to delivery.

Key features

Import new equipment under purchase agreements or of self-manufacturing

Transfer the equipment among construction sites

Reconcile and control equipment loss during transfer

Change and liquidate the equipment

Configure equipment rental and operating costs

Determine equipment rental and operating costs

Configure device management and approval processes

Make inventories and management reports

Environment and technology

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Hotline: (+84 28) 3 9295 666

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